Here is why March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb (usually)

Hello March!

Here is why March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb (usually)


In Scotland they say, "March comes in with adders' heads and goes out with peacocks' tails." An Adder is Scotland's sole venomous snake. A timid creature and unlikely to bite unless threatened. Again, showing a feared image of winter, with the beauty and splendor the weather at the end of March can bring.
In the Netherlands, they say; "Maart roert zijn staart," which means "March stirs its tail" -- evidence of the variety and extremes that can come day to day this time of year. All the same for the roller coaster of wacky weather we call March.

The history of weather lore

Weather proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation. A simple saying, a rhyme, a limerick, etc., help us forecast the weather for the coming days or season.
Many are Old English in origin that have found their way to America and the early colonists searching for a new world.
Weather proverbs also originate from days gone by from almost every country in the world. But, only those with similar weather patterns usually hold true where you live.
Weather lore itself can be traced to Greek philosophers' works; those who studied the stars and astrology; those who studied the seas for navigation and the winds to farm.
    Many are geared toward certain months of the year, and some for "days of the year" as in those for patron saints, thanks to the Middle Ages. Whether it was the farmer in a field, the sailor on a ship or the poet in the woods ... these proverbs continue to ring true.
    As the month of March continues, will the 'Luck of the Irish' be with us? We'll have to wait and see.

    via Tom Sater, CNN Meteorologist

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