The first day of National Indigenous History Month is today. It’s a chance to learn more about the resilience and extensive history of Indigenous people, as well as strengthen our commitment to fostering reconciliation and building relationships for a better future.
The following are some important facts about National Indigenous History Month
-Diverse Cultures: The First Nations, Metis, and Inuit are the three major indigenous groups in Canada who have been living there for thousands of years. Each group has its own language, customs, and history.
-Population: Roughly 4.9% of Canada's total population or almost 1.6 million people can be identified as Indigenous by the Canadian Census.
-Languages: Speaks about 70 indigenous languages that represent diverse cultures and historical periods in Canada. Efforts to preserve these languages are ongoing.
-Historic Contributions: From agricultural innovations to artistic expressions, medicine, and governance; indigenous peoples have brought remarkable changes in Canada’s development and culture.
-Residential Schools: A sad chapter in Canadian history involves taking out children from their families forcefully for assimilation purposes only. The Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) has produced 94 Calls to Action for