Millennials Share 30 Things Generation Z Doesn’t Know About, And It Will Make You Feel Old

Millennials Share 30 Things Generation Z Doesn’t Know About, And It Will Make You Feel Old

Technology advances and improves faster than we can adapt to the changes. Progress has always left some people in the dust, but the tempo has increased with the dawn of the Digital Age. That means that new generations are finding less and less in common with each other than before.

If you thought that the differences between millennials (aka Generation Y) and members of Generation Z were minor, think again. Nowhere is that more obvious than when members of the older generation show kids the tech that they used when they were small, only to be met with utter disbelief.

Bored Panda has collected some of the best examples when kids today couldn’t understand the technology millennials grew up with. And, boy, do we feel old! If you’d like to feel ancient and get a burst of nostalgia for the good old days, scroll down. Remember to upvote your faves and share this list with your friends (especially those whose birthdays are soon approaching).



This is a diskette, aka a floppy disc.

It stores information.




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