The KISS principle has always reminded us to keep things simple and focus on what truly matters. It’s resonates with me, and here is a personal memory I’d like to share.

At my Mom’s Celebration of Life, a woman who I've known since the 80s shared a touching story with me. She said, "Your Mom was my mentor, and she always reminded me to: KISS—Keep It Simple Silly!" It made me smile and think, "Yes, that sounds like her!"

Hearing that made me wonder if there’s a Celebration Day that brings awareness to this term. If not, there should be.

BTW, that lip image is a tea infuserTea time just got a whole lot sassier! The Lip Tea Infuser is the perfect novelty gift that’s funny, functional, and simple to use—truly a KISS-approved item!

Here's a Valentine's Day and banana-themed crossword puzzle for you! The clues are a mix of love-related and banana-related words. To apply KISS, there is no puzzle, just questions.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Sweet yellow fruit that monkeys love 🍌
  2. Classic Valentine’s Day gift made of cocoa 🍫
  3. Feeling when you have a crush ❤️
  4. A romantic evening out 🍽️
  5. Banana-based frozen treat 🍦
  6. Symbol of love ❤️
  7. Bananas grow in these (plural) 🌴
  8. The fruit in a "banana split" 🍌🍨


  1. "You’re the ___ to my banana" (cute phrase) 🥰
  2. What you might send on Valentine’s Day 💌
  3. A person you love dearly 💖
  4. Shape of a banana 🌙
  5. Classic love holiday date (Month/Day) 📅
  6. Sweet treat made with bananas and bread 🍞🍌
  7. A banana's outer layer 🍌
  8. What you might whisper to your Valentine 💕
  9. Bananas are high in this mineral, good for muscles ⚡


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