International Dance Day was initiated in 1982 and is marked every April 29.
Awesome dance moves from the '80s and '90s
We’re now in an era where everything old is new again. While I’m not hoping that any of these dances come back soon, here’s a primer if you’re in the club, surrounded by hipshakers breaking out moves from yesteryear. If you have teenage kids, don’t try these within their line of sight unless you want to find yourself committed to an long-term care home 20 years too early. 🤣 🤣
Boogie down memory lane, and let us know what your favourite retro dance was.
1. The Running Man
Popularized by Janet Jackson, Vanilla Ice, and MC Hammer, this dance involves you standing in the same spot, shuffling your legs like a runner, and moving your arms in a modified push-up. Watch that you don’t hit the guy next to you, or there could be trouble. :)
2. The MC Hammer Dance
It’s unlikely that you’re going to hear someone yelling, ‘It’s Hammer time!’ but just in case they do, wiggle your body like wet spaghetti and shuffle your feet from side to side. Helpful hint: baggy pants are a plus.3. The Macarena
This one is easy. Yeah right. Start with your right hand out, then your left hand. Palms up, hands on the back of your neck, hips continually shaking, and... repeat. This was a booze-filled blast to do in the ‘90s. Try breaking this out at a holiday party, and you’re likely to find yourself on the naughty list.
4. The sprinklerYou need a particular set of aerobic skills to do this one. It involves grabbing your neck with your left hand and your leg with your right hand and hopping in the same spot to mimic a lawn sprinkler. If you are not coordinated, a big fall is in your immediate future.
5. The Moonwalk
It’s the most iconic ‘80s dance, but you need lots of room. Double check that there are no stairs nearby.
6. Kriss Kross Jump Dance
This is the easiest one of the bunch. If you jump up and down and move your arm in a chopping motion, you’ll have it down pat.
7. The Worm
Don’t try it on an empty stomach.
8. The robot
The dance requires you to have ‘empty eyes’ and adopt machine-like movements. Perfect for breaking up with that no-longer-special someone you’ve been trying to lose for the past few months.
9. The Cabbage Patch
Also known as churning the butter, Gucci Crew II wrote a song describing the dance. Yeah, I’ve never heard of ‘em either.
10. Axl Rose’s Snake Dance
Hey, if you need some rock swagger for your dance party, cop some moves from Axl Rose.
via the toronto sun