Iconic toys from the ’70s
From a pet rock to a mostly-naked wrestler filled with syrup, how many of these classic ’70s toys did you have?

Baby Alive
Ah, 1973. This was the year Baby Alive hit the scene with all the eating, pooping and puking—just like a real baby.
Buy it: $70, toysrus.ca

Milton Bradley took this pencil and paper game and reinvented it as the 3D guessing game we know and love today. A3? MISS!
Buy it: $18, walmart.ca

Invented by a former NASA employee and his family, it was human VS computer in this handheld electronic game which featured Tic Tac Toe, Music Machine and Echo amongst other challenges.

Produced from 1976 to 1980, these Sci-Fi action figures were just little guys, standing at four-inches tall and were very painful to step on. Marvel released comic books based on the line of toys.

Pet Rock
Pet Rocks had a short lifespan in the mid ’70s due to the fact that, well, they were just rocks in a box with straw that sold for $4 a pop. The guy who invented isn’t fussed, though. HE BECAME A MILLIONAIRE FROM SELLING ROCKS!

Stretch Armstrong
Showing up to the party in 1976, Stretch Armstrong—the half naked wrestler filled with sticky syrup—could be pulled, stretched and tied up. Your mom got real mad when he leaked, though.
Buy it: $55, amazon.ca

Hungry Hungry Hippos
A gleeful game of gluttony, competitions could get pre-tty intense amongst siblings.
But it: $20, thebay.com

Nerf Ball
This is where those orange darts got their start, a simple foam ball that could be played with indoors.

1978 was when the simple game of Simon Says went high tech for the first time.
Buy it: $20, toysrus.ca

Speak and Spell
Our kids have tablets with fancy apps, we had this rockin’ learning pad to teach us how to write good. Err….

Star Wars action figures
With the STILL popular release of Star Wars in the late 70s came all of the merch.
Buy it: $40, thebay.com

Magna Doodle
Nope, not sorcery, just a cool way to move little magnetic particles to form a picture. Swiping it all away was a very theraputic way to pass the time.
Buy it: $15, toysrus.ca

Hey, remember these ittle egg-shaped buddies that wouldn’t topple? “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.”
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via today’s parents
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