The year's most significant astrological transit commences on January 20 as transformative Pluto enters forward-thinking Aquarius. As a generational planet, Pluto's slow movements wield powerful impacts. This period calls for collective efforts to enhance ourselves and the planet. Embrace this transit to explore a more humanitarian way of living. Pluto briefly revisits ambitious Capricorn on September 1, concluding its journey through this cardinal earth sign in our lifetime, imparting lessons on our relationship with worldly resources. The evolution undergone during this phase will be valuable when Pluto re-enters Aquarius on November 19 for a long-term residence until 2044.
Expect major shake-ups around April 20 when optimistic Jupiter aligns with innovative Uranus in security-loving Taurus. This rare aspect signals breakthroughs and surprises, potentially marking a significant turning point. Utilize this moment to reconsider your approach to comfort and stability, embracing happy accidents along the way.
Then, as prosperous Jupiter in warmhearted Taurus sextiles dreamy Neptune in intuitive Pisces on May 23, we're encouraged to discuss life's biggest questions with our nearest and dearest. This is also an ideal time for exchanging knowledge with people you trust and plotting your next creative move. Enjoy nurturing your imagination and seeing where it leads you. Just make sure you're prepared to grab hold of any flashes of inspiration, as potential projects could evaporate as quickly as they appear.
The second most impactful transit of 2024 occurs on May 25, as expansive Jupiter enters curious Gemini. While navigating projects may demand stricter energy and attention, this transit provides an excellent opportunity to explore imagination and test bold ideas.
Challenges arise around August 19 when Jupiter squares disciplined Saturn in Pisces, prompting awareness of vices and the need to release negative behaviors. A second square occurs on December 24, echoing these lessons and offering a chance for redirection towards a brighter future.
Here are some individual horoscopes for each zodiac sign, providing insights and guidance tailored to specific astrological influences in 2024.
Are you prepared to revisit the past, Aries? The allure of nostalgia might tempt you to take a trip down memory lane this year, especially when Jupiter, your intellect and adventure ruler, sextiles Neptune, your spirituality-driving planet, on May 23. This aspect could inspire a retrospective journey with friends, but be aware that people may be encouraging yet noncommittal under this influence, so don't be too disheartened if plans fizzle out.
Exercise caution with your words around colleagues and neighbours on Aug. 19 and Dec. 24 when Jupiter in your third house of communication squares Saturn, your career ruler, in your 12th house of secrets. Gossip and idle chatter are advised against, as conflicts could escalate. Mindful communication, regardless of the truth, can help you avoid embarrassment.
Love can be a catalyst for professional success, Taurus. With Pluto, your romance ruler, entering your 10th house of career on Jan. 20, singles may find inspiration to connect with someone who respects their ambitions. Those in relationships might experience changes in profession or position with their partner's support. Clear communication about your goals is crucial.
Stay open to opportunities around April 20 when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in your first house of appearances. Bringing forward a previously shelved idea could lead to success. Don't shy away from the spotlight; presenting a polished public face can establish you as an expert in your field.
Break free from routine, Gemini, as Pluto, ruling over your health, enters your ninth house of travel and philosophy on Jan. 20. Experimenting with your schedule can have a lasting impact on self-care. Absorb information from others to design your ideal life.
Your self-confidence soars on May 25 when Jupiter, your love ruler, enters your first house. Your sunny personality attracts others, potentially sparking romantic interest. Regardless of your relationship status, mindful attention to others' feelings is crucial to sustaining meaningful connections.
Explore new hobbies, Cancer, as Pluto, governing pleasure and creativity, enters your eighth house of transformation on Jan. 20. Start a podcast, learn a new language, or try tarot reading. Activities tested during this period may become a significant part of your life for the next two decades.
On May 25, when Jupiter, your wellness ruler, enters your 12th house of dreams, resist the urge to retreat into your shell. Instead, nourish your inner self with activities like meditation and yoga to recover from everyday stresses.
Learn to lean on others for strength, Leo, as Pluto, your domestic ruler, enters your seventh house of relationships on Jan. 20. Improving this skill is a key theme for 2024. Accept compromise and appreciate differing opinions to transform the way you perceive relationships.
Consider playing matchmaker around June 2 when optimistic Jupiter in your 11th house trines Pluto in your seventh house. Approach this with subtlety for success. Alternatively, use the time to test the waters with your crushes.
Share your ideas, Virgo, as Jupiter, your domestic ruler, conjuncts Uranus in your ninth house on April 20. This is an excellent time to reveal insights and creations, potentially leading to rewarding professional opportunities.
On May 23, when Jupiter in your ninth house sextiles Neptune, your love ruler, in your seventh house, focus on mapping out design concepts and home improvement projects. Maintain focus to bring your grand plans to fruition.
Exercise your creative muscles, Libra, as Pluto enters your fifth house of creativity and pleasure on Jan. 20. Experiment with new ways of expressing yourself and engage in trial and error to find your voice.
Embrace fresh experiences when Jupiter, your communication ruler, enters your ninth house on May 25. Challenge yourself to break out of your comfort zone and explore new subjects, potentially shifting your worldview.
Contemplate adjustments to relationships, Scorpio, as Pluto, your ruling planet, enters your fourth house of family on Jan. 20. Plan before rebuilding foundations, ensuring precision in actions, words, and intentions for a chance to heal connections.
On May 25, Jupiter enters your eighth house, renewing interest in understanding finances. Take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with your budget, debts, and investments, setting the stage for confident financial progress.
Engage in meaningful discussions, Sagittarius, as Pluto, your spirituality ruler, enters your third house of communication on Jan. 20. Tread carefully in discussions on reality and existence, as not everyone may share your courage.
Optimize your space when Jupiter, your ruling planet, sextiles Neptune, your domestic ruler, on May 23. Plan rather than execute, keeping a pen and paper handy for brilliant ideas that may quickly come and go.
Channel your ambition into creating a secure financial foundation, Capricorn, as transformative Pluto enters your second house of value on Jan. 20. Shift beliefs about money and explore strategies for growing earnings without sacrificing comfort.
On April 20, as Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in your fifth house, explore new ways of engaging with your community and supporting causes. Your influence through fundraising, volunteering, and sharing talents can make a significant difference.
Are you eager to embark on the next chapter of your career, Aquarius? You could get the boost you've been waiting for when Pluto, which oversees your professional world, enters your first house of appearances and the self on Jan. 20. This will be an ideal time to test the waters and work on better establishing yourself in your desired field, so do your best to avoid superficial or shallow interactions and show up authentically. If you can tap into your divine compassion, you'll be able to realize your vision.
Then, when abundant Jupiter conjuncts your ruling planet, Uranus, in your fourth house of family and private life on April 20, expect the unexpected. Annoying problems could crop up under this influence, but luckily your creative mind will be firing, making it easier for you to find quick solutions to them. On a positive note, this aspect could also encourage a loved one to take your insights to heart and surprise you with something you've been hinting at. But the best news by far this year is that when Jupiter moves into the most romantic area of your chart on May 25, your love life will take off like a rocket!
You'll be in a unique position to expand your professional network in 2024, Pisces. And this will be especially true when Jupiter, your career-fueling planet, sextiles your ruling planet, Neptune, on May 23. You'll be endowed with a fresh dose of confidence, making this a wonderful moment to seek out opportunities and forge fresh connections. Make a real effort to maintain any bonds you strike up; it could help you cement a favourable outcome.
Saturn in your sign will give you the strength to face up to whatever new challenges come your way, while positive links to your ruling planet Neptune in March and April and again toward the end of the year will bring insights as to how and why these events are ultimately for the best. Close your ears to the frenzy of the outside world and let your inner voice speak.
Then, as Jupiter makes his way into your fourth house of home and private life on May 25, try to be open to accepting friendly advice from your loved ones. They could offer some particularly valuable insights around your professional goals. You're also encouraged to lean on your support system during this transit if you feel you need to. Spending time with your nearest and dearest in your safe haven will help you reduce any stress as you navigate your career journey.
via CBC