Gluten Free Sidewalk Chalk

Are you getting, “we are bored” yet? Likely, you are during theses dog days of summer.

Here is a recipe for Gluten Free Sidewalk Chalk:

-1/4 cup corn starch

-1/4 cup water

-10 drops of food coloring or natural dye


-Mix corn starch and water in a large bowl until smooth(solidify slowly)

-Add food coloring or natural dye and mix colors

Go wild and start painting!

Some suggestions for games: Hopscotch, Tic Tac Toe and Four Square to name a few.

If you want color your neighborhood with sidewalk chalk too, check out what we have in store.

1. Blue Chalktrail for Your Bicycle:

Chalktrail Sidewalk Chalk for your Bicycle at Danna Bananas

2. Chalktrail for Your Scooter:

Chalktrail Sidewalk Chalk for your Scooter at Danna Bananas

3. Classic Chalk Sidewalk Chalk:

Classic Sidewalk Chalk at Danna Bananas

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