Fun Things To Do With Kids During Earth Hour
Offer up some fun activities to try during your hour in the dark.

As you unplug for Earth Hour, take the opportunity to talk to your kids about the global significance of Earth Hour. Offer up some fun activities to try during your one hour in the dark.
Everyone can make a difference so get your kids involved! No lights? They'll think that's really cool!
Here are 10 ideas to get you started...
1. Tell or read stories. Grab a flashlight and some blankets and tell stories in the living room. Fact or fiction, these stories in snuggly surroundings are sure to be fun for the kids.
2. Play board games by candlelight. Be careful with the candles!
3. Play a fun round of flashlight tag or hide and go seek in the dark.
4. Take a walk. Enjoy the night sounds and scenes of your neighborhood by taking an evening stroll with your kids and the dog.
6. Have a night-time picnic. Prepare your food in advance and spread a blanket in the living room.
7. Star gaze. It's the perfect evening to grab a telescope or some binoculars and head out to see the stars.
8. If weather permits, camp out in your backyard and roast marshmallows on the BBQ and make s’mores! If not, set up camp site in your living room. Pitch a tent and get the sleeping bags.
9. Go to your neighbourhood playground or park for some night time play.
10. Tell spooky stories in the dark.
Find out more about the Earth Hour initiative at
via toronto4kids
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