Back To School Gifts

Are  you sure you bought everything for your back to school shopping needs? I bet you didn’t know your tablet needs a personalized, comfortable place for when it’s not in use. It also needs a bodyguard to keep all the nasty dust mites and saliva away from it.

Back To School Gifts

Doodle iPad Case for Back to School

The Doodle Case for the iPad Mini makes a fun gift for your Ipad Mini or perhaps someone else you know who has one. Not only will this case keep your gadget snug and warm but you can design and personalize the cushiony case with your own creative, doodling skills. Draw your own design, jot down notes or contacts and when you are bored of your creations, pop it into the washing machine and then personalize it again and again. Pages of a notepad are featured all over the case. It also comes with 5 wash-out fabric mini pens that you can use to doodle with.

Not only is this fun but a practical gift as well. You can doodle a personal design or message before giving.

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